Doctor Dave David RECOMMENDED Dermefface FX7!

Use Dermefface FX7 to Reduce the Appearance of Your Scars...
... You no longer have to hide behind your scars - take action now!
... You can take matters into your own hands and stop being a victim to your scars.
Imagine, no more worrying if people are staring at your scars. No more embarrassment. You're done with hiding scars with make-up or clothes.
You can fade and reduce the size of your scars permanently, by using this scientifically advanced blend of active ingredients, antioxidents and moisturizers. This blend has been cinically tested.
... Gone are the days of painful laser surgery and expensive steroid injections.
This formula is non-greasy and fast-absorbing. Simply apply the cream to your scars twice a day and you are on your way to seeing results in as little as 4 weeks.
Does Dermefface FX7 Work?
Dermefface FX7 work well for this types of scars, that you can see on a pictures below
Dermefface FX7 Before and After:
Acne Scars
Burn Scars
Chicken Pox Scars
Hypertrophic Scars
Surgery Scars
Accident Scars
The Ultimate 'Scar-Fade' Technology
You may think your injury is healed once the scar has formed. However, the truth is your skin is still busy "remodeling" itself. If your scar is big and deep, this process can take up to 2 years to complete! This is why Dermefface FX7 is so important. Its clinically proven active ingredients, along with the 10 antioxidants and 5 super moisturizers go to work instantly on your skin to reduce the appearance of your scars.
Heres How:
- ♦ It fast-tracks your healing all the way through the final skin remodeling phase (IV)
- ♦ It forces your scarred cells to the surface, where they can slough away.
- ♦ It encourages the production of normal skin cells to replace the damaged ones.
This process ensures your scars fade faster with drastic results. Your scar will be flatter and smoother. Even redness and discoloration will fade. Aging skin that surrounds your scar is minimized. You will no longer have itchy, flakey skin thanks to the moisturizers which penetrate deep into the skins surface.
Scarred Cells Replaced with Healthy Skin
When your wound is healed and dry you can start applying Dermefface FX7.
The sooner you apply it the better chance you have of reducing permanent scarring. Not to worry though, if you have older scars Dermefface FX7 is effective at treating those as well.
When you apply Dermefface FX7 it instantly begins to:
- ♦ Heal each layer of your skin faster: the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue.
- ♦ Encourage healthy, normal skin to grow by promoting more production of Type I and Type III collagen.
- ♦ Increase the regular 28 cycle of skin cell regeneration, making the time faster.

Basically, during your skins natural 28 day cycle of regrowth and regeneration, where your dead skin is sloughed away, new healthy cells replace the scarred ones.
It helps to normalize skins production in scarred areas.
Scars are the result of either over-production of collagen or under-production of collagen.
- If your skin has too much collagen, more than likely your scar will be larger and more discolored.
- If your skin has too little collagen, it is subject to re-injury because it is weak.
Dermefface FX7 Scar Reduction Therapy is tailor made tonormalize production of both collagen I and III, ensuring skin is stronger and heals faster.

How Fast Can I Expect Results?
Many clients report seeing results within 4 weeks using Dermefface FX7.
Everyone's scars are different so it is recommened to commit to use this product for at least 90 days for the best results possible. Remember fading scars takes time and patience.
Recommended Use:
- Minor Scars: Use product for 3-4 months for optimal results.
- Deep Scars (surgery or injury): Use for a minimum of 6 months.
If this seems like a long time to you, keep in mind that scars usually take up to 2 years to even mature! Therefore, be very cautious of companies or products promising results in 30 days or less.
Since your skin is on a 28 day regeneration cycle, you need to be patient as your skin goes through a faster version of repair.
It ultimately depends on the size and depth of your scar, but the process could take as little as 90 days to as long as 6 months.
Where Can I Buy Dermefface FX7?
You can buy Dermefface FX7 online only. Expect to pay the following:
- ♦ $34.10 to $60.00 dollars for a one month supply.
- ♦ $129.95 for a 3 month supply (recommended for minimal scarring).
- ♦ $ 199.95 for a 6 month supply (recommended for deep scarring). (More information about Dermefface FX7 price you can read HERE).
Dermefface Customer Reviews
Dermefface customer reviews are consistently positive with an overall rating of 4 out of 5 stars. With the average customer posting before and after pictures showing jaw dropping results at the 3 month mark.
This product is safe to use with no known side-effects to date. This is because it is made with all natural ingredients. If you are allergic to any of the natural ingredients then you may experience the side effect from that allergy.
Bottom line, this product has been proven to work with no known side-effects. The reviews are mostly positive. This may very well be the best scar removal cream on the market today.